Contains the block device metalanguage interface details
Marcel Sondaar
udi_block.h | Contains the block device metalanguage interface details |
Types | |
udi_block_op_t | an enumeration for reading or writing operations |
udi_block_bind_cb_t | Contains the operations of a read/write transaction |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_block_bind_req | function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device |
udi_block_bind_ack | function pointer prototype for acknowledging a connection request |
udi_block_unbind_req | function pointer prototype for disconnecting a block device |
udi_block_unbind_ack | function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device |
udi_block_xfer_cb_t | Contains the operations of a read/write transaction |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
op | The operation to perform |
start | the starting block |
count | the number of blocks to read |
data_buf | The buffer to pass data in |
udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t | Contains the operations of a read/write transaction on a mapped block device |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
op | The operation to perform |
start | the starting block |
count | the number of blocks to read |
map | the mapping to use |
data_buf | The buffer to pass data in |
Functions | |
udi_block_xfer_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer request |
udi_block_xfer_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply |
udi_block_xfer_nak | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_xfer_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer request |
udi_blockmap_xfer_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply |
udi_blockmap_xfer_nak | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_map_cb_t | Contains the requests of a mapping modification call |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_map_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_map_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_map_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t | Contains the requests of a mapping management calls |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
map | the map index in question |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_new_req | Create a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_new_ack | Confirm a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_del_req | Create a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_del_ack | Confirm a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_map_cb_t | Contains the requests of a map information demand call |
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_demand_req | function pointer prototype for mapping driver reqesting a fill-in |
udi_blockmap_demand_ack | function pointer prototype for the fill-in complete message |
udi_block_provider_ops_t | The block metalanguage entry points (provider side) |
udi_block_ops_t | The block metalanguage entry points (client side) |
udi_blockmap_provider_ops_t | The mapped block metalanguage entry points (provider side) |
udi_blockmap_ops_t | The mapped block device metalanguage entry points (client side) |
Contains the operations of a read/write transaction
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_block_bind_req | function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device |
udi_block_bind_ack | function pointer prototype for acknowledging a connection request |
udi_block_unbind_req | function pointer prototype for disconnecting a block device |
udi_block_unbind_ack | function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device |
typedef void udi_block_bind_req_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_bind_cb_t |
typedef void udi_block_bind_ack_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb, udi_ubit32_t block_count_lo, udi_ubit32_t block_count_hi, udi_ubit32_t block_size, udi_status_t status )
function pointer prototype for acknowledging a connection request
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_bind_cb_t |
typedef void udi_block_unbind_req_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for disconnecting a block device
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_bind_cb_t |
typedef void udi_block_unbind_ack_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_bind_cb_t |
Contains the operations of a read/write transaction on a mapped block device
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
op | The operation to perform |
start | the starting block |
count | the number of blocks to read |
map | the mapping to use |
data_buf | The buffer to pass data in |
Functions | |
udi_block_xfer_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer request |
udi_block_xfer_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply |
udi_block_xfer_nak | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_xfer_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer request |
udi_blockmap_xfer_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply |
udi_blockmap_xfer_nak | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
typedef void udi_block_xfer_req_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer request
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
typedef void udi_block_xfer_ack_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
typedef void udi_block_xfer_nak_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb, udi_status_t status )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_block_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer request
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_nak_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb, udi_status_t status )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
Contains the requests of a mapping modification call
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_map_req | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_map_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
udi_blockmap_map_ack | function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply |
typedef void udi_blockmap_map_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_map_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_map_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
typedef void udi_blockmap_map_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_map_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_map_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_map_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
Contains the requests of a mapping management calls
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
map | the map index in question |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_new_req | Create a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_new_ack | Confirm a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_del_req | Create a new mapping |
udi_blockmap_del_ack | Confirm a new mapping |
typedef void udi_blockmap_new_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Create a new mapping
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
typedef void udi_blockmap_new_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Confirm a new mapping
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
typedef void udi_blockmap_del_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Create a new mapping
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
typedef void udi_blockmap_del_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Confirm a new mapping
cb | A pointer to a udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t with the arguments of the call |
status | the error message |
Contains the requests of a map information demand call
Variables | |
gcb | The main control block |
Functions | |
udi_blockmap_demand_req | function pointer prototype for mapping driver reqesting a fill-in |
udi_blockmap_demand_ack | function pointer prototype for the fill-in complete message |
function pointer prototype for mapping driver reqesting a fill-in
cb | A pointer to a <udi_blockmap_demand_cb_t> with the arguments of the call |
The main control block
udi_cb_t gcb
function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device
typedef void udi_block_bind_req_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for acknowledging a connection request
typedef void udi_block_bind_ack_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb, udi_ubit32_t block_count_lo, udi_ubit32_t block_count_hi, udi_ubit32_t block_size, udi_status_t status )
function pointer prototype for disconnecting a block device
typedef void udi_block_unbind_req_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for connecting to a block device
typedef void udi_block_unbind_ack_op_t ( udi_block_bind_cb_t * cb )
The main control block
udi_cb_t gcb
The operation to perform
udi_block_op_t op
the starting block
udi_size_t start
the number of blocks to read
udi_size_t count
The buffer to pass data in
udi_buf_t *data_buf
The main control block
udi_cb_t gcb
The operation to perform
udi_block_op_t op
the starting block
udi_size_t start
the number of blocks to read
udi_size_t count
the mapping to use
udi_size_t map
The buffer to pass data in
udi_buf_t *data_buf
function pointer prototype for the block transfer request
typedef void udi_block_xfer_req_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply
typedef void udi_block_xfer_ack_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
typedef void udi_block_xfer_nak_op_t ( udi_block_xfer_cb_t * cb, udi_status_t status )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer request
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer success reply
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
typedef void udi_blockmap_xfer_nak_op_t ( udi_blockmap_xfer_cb_t * cb, udi_status_t status )
The main control block
udi_cb_t gcb
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
typedef void udi_blockmap_map_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_map_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the block transfer fail reply
typedef void udi_blockmap_map_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_map_cb_t * cb )
The main control block
udi_cb_t gcb
the map index in question
udi_ubit32_t map
Create a new mapping
typedef void udi_blockmap_new_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Confirm a new mapping
typedef void udi_blockmap_new_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Create a new mapping
typedef void udi_blockmap_del_req_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
Confirm a new mapping
typedef void udi_blockmap_del_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_mgmt_cb_t * cb )
function pointer prototype for the fill-in complete message
typedef void udi_blockmap_demand_ack_op_t ( udi_blockmap_demand_cb_t * cb )