
The header file for kernel interface library


Marcel Sondaar


Educational Purposes


kernelversion blockalloc blockallocex blockallocphys enterv8086 allocateiobitmap portalloc allocatepagetable blockallocexl blockallocphysl allocateirbitmap setredirectbits managememoryl1 managememoryl2 yield yank

Linker Parameters


Requests the kernel version
Request memory from the kernel
Request memory from the kernel
Request the kernel to grant access to a given range in memory
Request memory from the kernel
Request i/o ports from the kernel
Request i/o ports from the kernel
Request memory from the kernel
Request memory from the kernel
Request the kernel to grant access to a given range in memory
Request for allocating the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
Set bits in the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
Request memory from the kernel
Request memory from the kernel
Yields the processor to another thread.
Yields the processor to another thread.