exits the program with a given status code, without running atexit scripts
void _Exit( int status )
enqueues a command for transmission to the server
GLubyte * _glx_retrieve( GLsizei * length )
enqueues a command for transmission to the server
void _glx_schedule( void * data, int length )
Allocate or deallocate pages from the heap
void * _PDCLIB_allocpages( int n )
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
double _PDCLIB_clampradd( double x )
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
float _PDCLIB_clampradf( float x )
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
long double _PDCLIB_clampradl( long double x )
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static double _PDCLIB_doclampnd( double x, double clamp )
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static float _PDCLIB_doclampnf( float x, float clamp )
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static long double _PDCLIB_doclampnl( long double x, long double clamp )
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
static double _PDCLIB_doclamppd( double x, double clamp )
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
static float _PDCLIB_doclamppf( float x, float clamp )
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
static long double _PDCLIB_doclamppl( long double x, long double clamp )
this function flushes the output stream.
int _PDCLIB_fflush( struct _PDCLIB_file_t * stream )
Helper function for modifying buffer segments
void _udi_buf_inject( mos_buf_t * buf, mos_buf_part_t * part, udi_size_t off, udi_size_t len )
Raises the abort signal
void abort( void )
Returns the absolute value of a given integer
int abs( int j )
Adds an interface to be exposed
Declare Sub AddInterface( ByVal interface As Integer )
Registers this driver as an endpoint.
Declare Sub AnnounceDriver( ByVal deviceid As Integer )
adds a function to the list of things to be called upon program exit
int atexit( void (*func)( void ) )
Converts a string to an int
int atoi( const char * s )
Converts a string to a long int
long int atol( const char * s )
Converts a string to a long long
long long int atoll( const char * s )
Release ownership of an object, while keeping it temporarily alive for a calling function to reacquire ownership
Declare Sub Autorelease()
the basic sample loop to be called
Public Sub b_main Cdecl Alias "b_main" ( ByVal vram As Byte Ptr )
Writes a BGA register
Function BGA_Read( ByVal index As Integer ) As Unsigned Short
Writes a BGA register
Sub BGA_Write( ByVal index As Integer, ByVal contents As Unsigned Short )
Performs a binary search inside an array of nmemb itens of size bytes
void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)( const void *, const void * ) )