Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _udi_buf_inject, mos_buf_t
 AddInterface, MCQueryUtility
 AnnounceDriver, MCQueryUtility
 Autorelease, MCObject
void _Exit(int status)
exits the program with a given status code, without running atexit scripts
GLubyte * _glx_retrieve(GLsizei *length)
enqueues a command for transmission to the server
void _glx_schedule(void *data,
int length)
enqueues a command for transmission to the server
void * _PDCLIB_allocpages(int n)
Allocate or deallocate pages from the heap
double _PDCLIB_clampradd(double x)
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
float _PDCLIB_clampradf(float x)
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
long double _PDCLIB_clampradl(long double x)
ensure x is in the range [-pi,pi], otherwise shift the domain into position
static double _PDCLIB_doclampnd(double x,
double clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static float _PDCLIB_doclampnf(float x,
float clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static long double _PDCLIB_doclampnl(long double x,
long double clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [-clamp,0]
static double _PDCLIB_doclamppd(double x,
double clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
static float _PDCLIB_doclamppf(float x,
float clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
static long double _PDCLIB_doclamppl(long double x,
long double clamp)
recursively shift x into the domain [0,clamp]
Request memory from the kernel
int _PDCLIB_fflush(struct _PDCLIB_file_t *stream)
this function flushes the output stream.
Default program entry point
void _udi_buf_inject(mos_buf_t *buf,
mos_buf_part_t *part,
udi_size_t off,
udi_size_t len)
Helper function for modifying buffer segments
void abort(void)
Raises the abort signal
int abs(int j)
Returns the absolute value of a given integer
adds a new thread to the blocked list
allocates a gate and assigns a handler to it
Declare Sub AddInterface(ByVal interface As Integer)
Adds an interface to be exposed
Ups the reference count to a memory location.
adds a name to port lookup to the table
adds a new thread to the scheduler’s list
Allocates several bytes at the end of heap.
finds an empty GDT entry and allocates it.
Allocates a free slot in the global descriptor table and loads it with the given parameters
Tries to allocate one entry in the IDT
attempts to allocate an IDT entry of choice
Request i/o ports from the kernel
Allocates pages for the I/O permission bitmap.
Request for allocating the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
Allocates a page for the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
Tries to allocate a piece of memory To allow for full userspace control of memory
allocates memory from the table, preferrably from the end
allocates memory from the table, preferrably from the beginning
Allocate one unit of free memory from a given table
Request memory from the kernel
Maps a page table into the page directory to allow for small pages to be used
Maps a page table into the page directory to allow for small pages to be used
Attempts to allocate a port (4) in the higher area
Attempts to allocate a port in the lower 2k area
allocates a task set (descriptor + kernel stack page)
allocates a task set (descriptor + kernel stack page)
Declare Sub AnnounceDriver(ByVal deviceid As Integer)
Registers this driver as an endpoint.
delay x cycles based on bus speed
int atexit(void (*func)( void ))
adds a function to the list of things to be called upon program exit
int atoi(const char *s)
Converts a string to an int
long int atol(const char *s)
Converts a string to a long int
long long int atoll(const char *s)
Converts a string to a long long
Declare Sub Autorelease()
Release ownership of an object, while keeping it temporarily alive for a calling function to reacquire ownership
Public Sub b_main Cdecl Alias "b_main" (ByVal vram As Byte Ptr)
the basic sample loop to be called
Function BGA_Read(ByVal index As Integer) As Unsigned Short
Writes a BGA register
Sub BGA_Write(ByVal index As Integer,
ByVal contents As Unsigned Short)
Writes a BGA register
Request memory from the kernel
Allocates memory and maps it to userspace
Request memory from the kernel
Allocates a specific piece memory and maps it to userspace
Request memory from the kernel
Allocates an area of memory in the physical range and maps it to userspace
Request the kernel to grant access to a given range in memory
Allocates an area in the physical range and maps it to userspace
Request the kernel to grant access to a given range in memory
Allocates an area in the physical range and maps it to userspace
Request memory from the kernel
Removes references to a section of memory to allow for small pages to be used
attempts to boot application processors in the system
Locates the fourth stage binary, map it into memory and create an initial task for that binary.
void * bsearch(const void *key,
const void *base,
size_t nmemb,
size_t size,
int (*compar)( const void *, const void * ))
Performs a binary search inside an array of nmemb itens of size bytes
Creates a default page table used when creating a new virtual address space.