pdclib interface to the kernel’s memory management functions
A helper file to libc
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
A helper file to libc
Defines the rasterizer output
Blitting extension
The libc implementation
Create a new empty buffer object
Inject a new buffer inline into the environment
Write out a buffer
Free a logical buffer
Insert parts into a buffer object
Read from a logical buffer
Write to a logical buffer
Builds a tree from an opcode map
connect to a bus
disconnect from a bus
The libc implementation
Allocating a control block
Inject a new cb into the environment
Control blocks that leave the environment
Freeing a control block
Manage control blocks during a request
Backend-specific part of a control block
Libc implementation of ceil
Libc implementation of ceilf
Libc implementation of ceill
Close a communications channel
Respond to a general event
Definition of domain clipping tools
Definition of domain clipping tools
Definition of domain clipping tools
The libc implementation
Duplicate an entire tree
closes all open files
routing and proxy code for communication ports
contains the copy operator for a FramebufferData type
contains the copy operator for a LinearOffsetData type
Libc implementation of cos
Libc implementation of cosf
Libc implementation of cosl
Defines a buffer representing the 18-bit VGA DAC
Decoder for Filesystem calls
Decoder for GFX calls
Delete an opcode map
UDI dequeuing function
Respond to a driver management event
A helper file to libc
Decoding of glx opcodes and calls to the corresponding function
The libc implementation
free a dma constraints descriptor
manages the initial driver communication port
The ELF loader test module
Byte swap multiple data items
UDI enqueuing function
Respond to an enumeration event
global definition of the errno header
Defines the error variable
The main event loop
The default event handler list
Execute an IO transfer list
The libc implementation
The File Allocation Table filesystem driver
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
the helper function for fflush
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Contains functions to decode the file open mode
interface for reading
Fills solid blocks in a R5G5B5 buffer
Fills solid blocks in a R5G6B5 buffer
Fills solid blocks in a B8G8R8 buffer
Fills solid blocks in a I8 buffer
Fills solid blocks in a R5G6B5 buffer
Fills solid blocks in a R8G8B8 buffer
Respond to a shutdown event
Libc implementation of floor
Libc implementation of floorf
Libc implementation of floorl
implementation of the libc fmod call
Fold bit listings over a tree
Retrieves constant and attribute data from a tree
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Bitlist cleanup functions
Node cleanup functions
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Generic data copy from a buffer segment by using the lock/unlock function
Generic free that just deletes a mos_buf_impl_t struct (and all extra bytes allocated with it)
contains the assembly emitter for compiled udiprops
contains the cleanup code
Parses an udiprops file to a memory structure.
The libc implementation
Acknowledging an GIO bind request
GIO proxy
Acknowledging an GIO unbind request
Acknowledging an GIO access
Returning an error on a GIO access
Implements the glBegin function
Implements the glBindBufferUDI extention function
Implements the glBlitEXT extention function
Implements the glClear function
Implements the glClearColor function
Implements the glColor function for floats
Implements the glCullFace function
Implements the glDisable function
Implements the glEnable function
Implements the glEnd function
Implements the glGetString function
implements the glLoadIdentity function
Implements the glMatrixMode function
implements the glRotated function
implements the glRotatef function
implements the glScaled function
implements the glScalef function
implements the glScissor function
Implements the glTexCoord function for floats
Implements the glTexImage2D function
Sets a subsection of a bitmap to the specified pixel data
implements the glTranslated function
implements the glTranslatef function
Implements the glVertex base functionality
Implements the glVertex functions for floats
implements the glViewport function
Wraps glBegin into a GLX stream
Wraps glBindBufferUDI into a GLX stream
Wraps glClear into a GLX stream
Wraps glClearColor into a GLX stream
Wraps glColor3f into a GLX stream
Wraps glColor4f into a GLX stream
Wraps glCullFace into a GLX stream
Wraps glDisable into a GLX stream
Wraps glEnable into a GLX stream
Wraps glEnd into a GLX stream
Wraps glGetString into a GLX stream
Wraps glMatrixMode into a GLX stream
Retrieves data from a GLX stream
Enqueues data in a GLX stream
Wraps glScissor into a GLX stream
Wraps glTexSubImage2D into a GLX stream
Wraps <glVertex>*f into a GLX stream
Wraps glViewport into a GLX stream
for noobs to dump their crap into
Communication primitives for external platforms, used to emulate the native event train.
A hosted event loop, designed to automatically stop when out of messages
File I/O with the host
IDL-to-code emitter for prototyping the standards header
IDL-to-code emitter for receiver glue
IDL-to-code emitter for message handling and UDI event injection
IDL-to-code emitter for transmitters from UDI land
proxy for interrupt management
proxy for interrupt management
implementation of the libc isalnum call
implementation of the libc isalpha call
implementation of the libc isblank call
implementation of the libc iscntrl call
implementation of the libc isdigit call
implementation of the libc isgraph call
implementation of the libc islower call
implementation of the libc isprint call
implementation of the libc ispunct call
implementation of the libc isspace call
implementation of the libc isupper call
implementation of the libc isxdigit call
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Copy from a libc-managed buffer
Free a libc-managed buffer
Get a read pointer to a libc-managed buffer
Unlock a pointer to a libc-managed buffer
some kind of ungetc function
ungetwc-like function
libfb initialization
contains definition of strNullDesc
exec function for DOS
get short path for DOS
functions to decode a serial date number
week functions
returns the weekday name
Stub to verify libfb workings
Stub to verify libc workings
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Libc implementation of log
Libc implementation of logf
Libc implementation of logl
The C part of the SH4 kernel
The libc implementation
Matches an opcode tree against the simple packed framebuffer template
Matrix management
covers for Freebasic’s inability to convert Object pointers to blanks
convert UDI calls to native calls
Allocate memory for a virtually contiguous object
Free a memory object
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Initialization code for the GL client
Retrieving low level connector states
Retrieving low level engine states
Retrieving low level ranges
Retrieving low level connector states
Changing low level connector states
Changing low level engine states
Wraps mglSwapBuffer into a GLX stream
Generic free that modifies nothing
Contains opcode maps for various linear framebuffer mode
The libc implementation
Add pio emitter to the list
Mapping physical IO transactions
Direct raw MMIO accesses stubs
Physical IO transfers
unmapping physical IO transactions
Port access stubs for PIO handling
object read helper
Writing helper function
the xxxprintf base funtion
The libc implementation
Recursively prints the a node to a C string
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Create a new region
Dispose of a region
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Defines current applicable render functions
Reads a driver’s opcode map
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
A helper file to libc
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Libc implementation of sinf
Libc implementation of sinf
Libc implementation of sinl
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Libc implementation of sqrt
Libc implementation of sqrtf
Libc implementation of sqrtl
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Respond to a driver management event
A helper file to libc
stdio scanf backend
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
A helper file to libc
A helper file to libc
The libc implementation
Folds buffer trees into a framebuffer node
Locates and substitutes framebuffer address generation patterns
Libc implementation of tan
Libc implementation of tanf
Libc implementation of tanl
small test program for ia-pc runtime testing
Initializes texture rasterizing
The libc implementation
implementation of the libc tolower call
implementation of the libc toupper call
Flat triangle rendering
Goraud shaded triangle rendering
Textured triangle rendering
Libc implementation of trunc
Libc implementation of truncf
Libc implementation of truncl
The cmos driver from the UDI sample reference.
UDIGraphics Metalanguage implementation
Generates the bootcode portion of an udi driver
Contains the interface for graphics drivers
Environment-specific functions
Mach64 graphics driver main entrypoints
Unfolds multiply-and-accumulate instructions into two opcodes, allowing simplification of other algorithms that might otherwise need special handling of the MAD opcode.
The libc implementation
A utility to disassemble Verite microcode
The libc implementation
The libc implementation
Handles VGA commands
Handles VGA Engine states
Writing functions for the VGA palette
Handles VGA Connector states
Contains the definition voodoo1 specific status of the GL implementation