Allocates size bytes of memory
void * malloc( size_t size )
Finds the first occurance of the character c in s, where n is the maximum amount of bytes to compare
void * memchr( const void * s, int c, size_t n )
Compares n bytes of s1 to n bytes of s2
int memcmp( const void * s1, const void * s2, size_t n )
Copies n bytes from s2 to s1, where s1 and s2 do not overlap
void * memcpy( void * _PDCLIB_restrict s1, const void * _PDCLIB_restrict s2, size_t n )
Copies n bytes from s2 to s1, where s2 and s1 can overlap
void * memmove( void * s1, const void * s2, size_t n )
Fills s with n times the value c
void * memset( void * s, int c, size_t n )
Gets the valid range of values from a connector property.
int mglGetConnectorRange( int index, unsigned int property )
Gets an graphics output connector state property
int mglGetConnectorState( int index, unsigned int property )
Gets the valid range of values from a engine property.
int mglGetEngineRange( int index, unsigned int property )
Gets an graphics engine state property
int mglGetEngineState( int index, unsigned int property )
Retrieves a range segment from an graphics component
void mglGetLastRangeEntry( int index, int * first, int * last, int * modulus )
Initialize the driver
int mglOpen( unsigned int * engines, unsigned int * connectors )
Sets an graphics output connector state property
void mglSetConnectorState( int index, unsigned int property, int value )
Sets an graphics engine state property
void mglSetEngineState( int index, unsigned int property, int value )
controls the application
Sub ModMain CDecl alias "main" ()
Returns the address contained in a specific Base Address Register
Function PCI_bar_readaddress( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Bar As Unsigned Integer ) As Unsigned Integer
Returns the size mask for the selected Base Address Register
Function PCI_bar_readmask( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Bar As Unsigned Integer ) As Unsigned Integer
Grabs a byte from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Function PCI_type1_readbyte( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer ) As Unsigned Byte
Grabs a 4-byte doubleword from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Function PCI_type1_readdword( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer ) As Unsigned Integer
Grabs a 2-byte word from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Function PCI_type1_readword( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer ) As Unsigned Short
Grabs a 4-byte doubleword from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Sub PCI_type1_writedword( ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer, ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer, Value As Unsigned Integer )
handles the incoming calls
Sub pcimgr_handler ( ByVal f As Long, ByVal device As Long, ByVal param3 As Long, ByVal param4 As Long )
converts the register calling convention into a FB-compatible convention
Sub pcimgr_handlerstub()
Prints a string to video memory
Public Sub PrintString ( s As String, vram As Byte Ptr, offset as long = 0 )
sets a pixel via the BLOBS interface
Sub PutPixel( ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal colour As Long )
Sorts an array in memory
void qsort( void * base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)( const void *, const void * ) )
Handle the actual query message
Declare Virtual Sub queryinterfaces ( ByVal channel As Byte Ptr )