gets and returns the integer value of x when rounded down.
double floor( double x )
gets and returns the integer value of x when rounded down.
float floorf( float x )
gets and returns the integer value of x when rounded down.
long double floorl( long double x )
Called by a memory management tool to inform that there are no stack references left in use.
Declare Sub Flush()
Returns the remainder after floating point division
double fmod( double x, double y )
Deallocates a block of memory created by malloc calloc or realloc.
void free( void * ptr )
Synchronously gets the device name from the manager
Function GetDeviceLocation( ByVal devid As Integer ) As String
Synchronously gets the device name from the manager
Function GetDeviceName( ByVal devid As Integer ) As String
Synchronously gets the device parent from the manager
Function GetDeviceParent( ByVal devid As Integer ) As Integer
Computes the CRTC settings given a resolution and dot clock
Function GTF_ComputeFromDotclock( ByVal Dotclock As Single, ByRef vmp As VESA_mode_properties, ByRef vdp As VESA_display_properties, ByRef vt As VESA_timings ) As Integer
Computes the CRTC settings given a resolution and frequency
Function GTF_ComputeFromRefresh( ByRef Refresh As Single, ByRef vmp As VESA_mode_properties, ByRef vdp As VESA_display_properties, ByRef vt As VESA_timings ) As Integer
handles the incoming calls
Sub handler ( ByVal f As Long, ByVal button As Long, ByVal state As Long, ByVal x As Long )
converts the register calling convention into a FB-compatible convention
Sub handlerstub()