$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 ia Architecture
 ia-32 Architecture
 if encoding!=ASCII,putback buffer will be in
 if exponent letter is d|D,and
 if first character does not match,value_parsed is not set-but it is NOT an input error
 implement me properly
 Implement mutex
 implement stuff to generate this properly
 Improve, Primitive placeholder
 improve speed
 improve speed here
 In other than”C”locale,additional patterns may be defined
 INDEX_ID, bga_regs
 InitializeRTC crashes some computers
 insert opcodes for GLX get*functions
 Interrupt Handlers
 invalid argument
 io bitmap does not get physically allocated
 is this the correct way?
 It is not nice to do this on a stream we just closed
 Kernel Purpose
 Kernel subfunctions
To build the ia branch, you need a series of crosscompilers and some image tools as follows.
This branch is mostly deprecated.
wchar format, not in UTF
is_string == FALSE, then convert the d|D to an e|E.
16-bit register containing the emulated interface version
Enables A20 gate
Sets carry if A20 is enabled
Builds the bootstrap GDT
Initializes the memory allocator tables
loads the AP’s special registers with the values generated by the BSP this also waits for the BSP to present the data
Sets up the GDT and loads it
initializes the 32 bit GDT
Sets up the IDT and loads it
Initializes the 32-bit IDT
Allocates and fills an IO handout table
prepares the data structures needed for inter-process communication
Loads pointers for all the needed structures
constructs the page and allocation tables needed for a paged system
Brings the PIC into a known state
Configure the PIT to a rate generator
These functions constitute to the initialisation of the kernel.
Initializes the RTC as an interrupt source
prepares and starts the scheduler
Registers the system call handlers
Builds a Task Description Table for the kernel
build the kernel tss from scratch
Creates an initial TSS for the current processor.
Initializes the TSS for the BSP, and all the setup required for the TSSes on other processors.
Function InitializeV8086() As Integer
configures the environment to make Virtual8086 mode bios calls
builds the memory map of this computer
Prepares the screen for addressing
reads a byte from an x86 i/o port
reads a 32-bit doubleword from an x86 i/o port
reads a word (short int) from an x86 i/o port
adds a given large page to a page directory
Loads a page table with a given entry
adds an entry to the page table.
loads a page table with a given entry, marking it both uncacheable and for userspace
loads a page table with a given entry, marking it global
adds a given page table to a page directory
loads a page table with a given entry, marking it for userspace
Maps a page into the shared TSS area.
checks and runs the patches
handles #NM and switches context for FPU state
Identifies the BLOCKCOMMANDS set
Identifies the GFXCOMMANDS set
The base message code for system administration commands.
These functions assure a proper handling of exceptions and standard interrupts
Provides the default interrupt handlers.
flushes a page from the TLB.
stub to retrieve the ipc parameters for a cdecl function
acknowledges the RTC timer interrupt and updates the time
int isalnum(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is either a character or a number
int isalpha(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is an alphanumerical character
Sub ISAPNP_WriteMagic()
Write the initiation key to the ISA device
int isblank(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is a blank (either space or tab)
int iscntrl(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is a control character
int isdigit(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is a decimal digit (number)
int isgraph(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is printable character, excluding space
int islower(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is an lowercase character
int isprint(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is printable character, including space
int ispunct(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is a punctuation character (c is not a control, space, letter or number)
handles the GPF exception
Handles the coprocessor exceptions
handles the pagefault exception
int isspace(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is a whitespace character
int isupper(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is an uppercase character
int isxdigit(int c)
Returns nonzero when c is an hexadecimal digit
It does not matter with the current implementation of clearerr(), but it might start to matter if someone replaced that implementation.
expands to the system call given as parameter
MysticOS’ kernel uses an exokernel based design, which ultimately means that all choices should be up to the programmer.
the page-aligned location where the bss should start.
contains the entry point of the kernel
the size of the kernel image in bytes.
Requests the kernel version
Returns the kernel version
Dim Shared keycodes(to 63) As Long
Stores the last 64 keyboard events
Stores the mapping of keys