$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Parse memtable
 pio_impl, mos_mmio_pio_impl_t
 PORTNAME, mos_procinfo
 power and abs functions
 pre-C99 compilers might require modulus corrections
 prev, mos_buf_part_t
 processor_brand, mos_procinfo
 processor_caps1, mos_procinfo
 processor_caps2, mos_procinfo
 processor_id, mos_procinfo
 Processor_version, mos_procinfo
 Programmable Interrupt Controller
 Programmable Interval Timer
 proper assert handlers
 proper page flushing
 Public Domain
 Public Domain License
 putback_size will be checked by fb_FileEofEx, handle
 query system default
 queryinterfaces, MCQueryUtility
Converts a linear address to the corresponding physical address, using the current value of CR3
Converts a linear address to the corresponding physical address, using the current value of CR3
The map index of the parent
ParentStart As Long
The location in the parent map corresponding to Startlocation
Function PCI_bar_readaddress(
   ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Bar As Unsigned Integer
) As Unsigned Integer
Returns the address contained in a specific Base Address Register
Function PCI_bar_readmask(
   ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Bar As Unsigned Integer
) As Unsigned Integer
Returns the size mask for the selected Base Address Register
Get the Vendor/Type for a certain device
Read one byte from PCI Configuration space
Read a 32-bit doubleword from PCI Configuration space
Function PCI_type1_readbyte(ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer) As Unsigned Byte
Grabs a byte from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Function PCI_type1_readdword(
   ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer
) As Unsigned Integer
Grabs a 4-byte doubleword from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Function PCI_type1_readword(
   ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
   ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer
) As Unsigned Short
Grabs a 2-byte word from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
Sub PCI_type1_writedword(ByVal Bus As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Device As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Func As Unsigned Integer,
ByVal Offset As Unsigned Integer,
Value As Unsigned Integer)
Grabs a 4-byte doubleword from PCI configuration space using configuration method 1
This enumeration lists all the defined calls to a PCI configuration manager
Sub pcimgr_handler (ByVal f As Long,
ByVal device As Long,
ByVal param3 As Long,
ByVal param4 As Long)
handles the incoming calls
Sub pcimgr_handlerstub()
converts the register calling convention into a FB-compatible convention
mos_pio_impl_t pio_impl
Pointer to the internal implementation functions
Request i/o ports from the kernel
Allocates pages for the I/O permission bitmap.
Porting the core of UDI requires that the host is able to provide an implementation of malloc/free, which are allowed to block.
Generates a FourCC out of a string’s first four characters
The author’s opinion is that development should not be hindred by excessive restrictions and fees, and that his experience may be shared with others so that it may be of the most use possible.
Prepares a VESA bios call
struct mos_buf_part * prev
Contains a reference to the previous buffer part in the sequence
Prints the APIC Bus frequency
Converts a dword value to hex and emit it to a string
prints the initalizer line
prints a line to the display
Public Sub PrintString (As String,  
vram As Byte Ptr,  
offset as long =  0)
Prints a string to video memory
Privileges As Integer
Bitmask containing privilege options of the extent
char processor_brand[12]
fixed-length string containing the processor manufacturer
unsigned int processor_caps1
processor capabilities bits set 1
unsigned int processor_caps2
processor capabilities bits set 2
unsigned short int processor_id
shorthand number of the processor
packed processor version
for fixing the cyrix 6x86 coma bug
Gets the CPU, VM and related information
for installing the workaround for the intel LOCK CMPXCHG8B bug
changes the #NM interrupt handler to fault (using self-modifying code) instead of switching fpu contexts
for allowing SYSCALL/SYSRET
enables the use of SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions
replaces InvalidatePage with a more efficient version
Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
Sub PutPixel(ByVal x As Long,
ByVal y As Long,
ByVal colour As Long)
sets a pixel via the BLOBS interface
void qsort(void *base,
size_t nmemb,
size_t size,
int (*compar)( const void *, const void * ))
Sorts an array in memory
Declare Virtual Sub queryinterfaces (ByVal channel As Byte Ptr)
Handle the actual query message
adds a thread to the execution queue
int quot
stores the quotient of the division
long int quot
stores the quotient of the division
long long int quot
stores the quotient of the division