the basic sample loop to be called
Public Sub b_main Cdecl Alias "b_main" ( ByVal vram As Byte Ptr )
contains a bitmap of the used GDT entries
baGDT32Bitmap: DB 0x7f
contains the family, needed for MSRs, APIC, IOAPIC and related stuff values: 0 - Unknown architecture 1 - Intel 386 (external FPU) 2 - Intel 486+ (internal FPU, intel MSRs, L.APIC) 3 - AMD 4 - Cyrix (Cyrix MSRs)
baProcessorArch: TIMES 8 DB 0
The starting virtual address where this area is mapped
void * base
contains an unpacked BCD version number of each processor: family.major.minor.revision
bcdaProcessorVersion: TIMES 8 DD 0
Writes a BGA register
Function BGA_Read( ByVal index As Integer ) As Unsigned Short
Writes a BGA register
Sub BGA_Write( ByVal index As Integer, ByVal contents As Unsigned Short )
contains the interrupt mask for the Master PIC
bMasterMask: DB 0
Performs a binary search inside an array of nmemb itens of size bytes
void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)( const void *, const void * ) )
contains the interrupt mask for the Slave PIC
bSlaveMask: DB 0
buffer holding the filename
udi_buf_t * buf
the buffer to place mappings in
udi_buf_t * buf
Stores the up/down values for all of the keys
Dim Shared buttons( to 255 ) As Long