$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Scheduler components
 segment register breakage
 send queued packet
 separate inc_kernel for ia and ia32 kernels
 Set RTS if RS option not set
 set SSE bits in CR4
 Setting mbstate
 sh4 Architecture
 Shouldn’t realloc()split the now much-too-large node?
 size, mos_buf_part_t
 Socket-A Interrupt bug
 Source Licensing
 SPC is only allowed when using LFNs provided by a Windows
 Special handling for mode changes on std-streams
 Stack usage is log2(nmemb)(minus what T shaves off the worst case)
 standardize the DEV_*structs,or provide a device hook function to get OS handle
 start autoload
 start DCD low timer if CD option set
 start DSR low timer if DS option set
 Starvation in Route functions
 step up from first page to second
 subroutine for this
 Support for ASC/ LF options
 Support for slave PIC?
 System calls
contains a default tileset font for the Megadrive VDP
Main kernel file for the 68k version.
ROM Header file for the megadrive.
32 and 64-bit millicode, original author Hewlett-Packard adapted for gcc by Paul Bame and Alan Modra
32 and 64-bit millicode, original author Hewlett-Packard adapted for gcc by Paul Bame and Alan Modra
Causes execution to be suspended and the next thread to be readied.
These functions change between tasks.
this function will browse through the scheduler list and pick a new task to run.
scheduler_cr0_ts: DD 0
local copy of CR0 with TS set
scheduler_curfpu: TIMES 8 DD 0
Contains the physical address for the TDT currently using the FPU state
scheduler_curtask: TIMES 8 * 2 DD 0
contains the current threads for each processor in TDT/CR3
scheduler_fpusolv: TIMES 8 DD 0
contains the address of a page that is to contain the TDT when mapped into memory
return stub that gets us into userland
scheduler_offset: TIMES 8 DD 0
current offsets into the task table
scheduler_sleeptask:DD 0
Points to a page containing not-scheduled (blocked) tasks
scheduler_table: TIMES 8 DD 0
points to the schedule tables for each processor
scheduler_ticks: DD 0
contains the amount of ticks generated since system startup
A series of privilege and return value bits that describe the sector.
semBlockedTask: DB 1
Taken for write access on the blocked task list
semPageTable: DB 1
Taken for write lock on page tables
semPortHi: DB 1
Taken for write lock on upper range port table
semPortLo: DB 1
Taken for write lock on lower range port table
semScheduler: DB 0xff
Taken for write access to a scheduler’s list
semTaskRoutes: DB 1
taken for read or write access to the task route map
loads CR0/CR4 with the appropriate bits
Points an IDT entry to a given function
Points an IDT entry to a given function, and allow it to be called from userland
sets and IDT entry
sets the vector for interrupt handling
Sets a page directory entry if allowed.
Loads a page table with a given entry
Sets a page table entry if allowed.
Set bits in the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
Sets redirection bits in the Interrupt Redirection Bitmap
set GPRs for a given task
The main assembler and linker.
double sin(double x)
computes and returns the sine of x (using a taylor expansion)
float sinf(float x)
computes and returns the sine of x (using a taylor expansion)
long double sinl(long double x)
computes and returns the sine of x (using a taylor expansion)
udi_size_t size
amount of bytes referenced by this buffer part
Copied from the previous kernel generation.
This document describes the needed software to build, install and run MysticOS on various platforms.
Since parts of the sourcecode uses a copyleft-based license you have one of these options at your disposal
void srand(unsigned int seed)
Sets the new seed to be used by rand
Worst-case nmemb is platform dependent and should probably be configured through _PDCLIB_config.h.
udi_size_t start
the starting block
udi_size_t start
the starting block
StartLocation As Long
The location in the current map where this extent starts (inclusive)
add cli/sti blocks to prevent this
char * strcat(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2)
Appends the null terminated string s2 to the end of s1
char * strchr(const char *s,
int c)
Finds the first occurance of the character c in the null-terminated string s
int strcmp(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Compares s1 to s2
int strcoll(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Compares s1 to s2
char * strcpy(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2)
Copies the null terminated string s2 to s1
size_t strcspn(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Tests characters in s1 for an occurance in s2 until a match is found
size_t strlen(const char *s)
Calculates the length of s
char * strncat(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2,
size_t n)
Appends up to n characters from the null terminated string s2 to the end of s1.
int strncmp(const char *s1,
const char *s2,
size_t n)
Compares at most n bytes of s1 to s2
char * strncpy(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2,
size_t n)
Copies the null terminated string s2 to s1, up to n characters The remaining space, if any, is filled with zeroes
static int strnput(char *out,
const char *in,
size_t max)
safe write returning written length as neither strncpy nor strncat can do this efficiently A null terminator will always be placed.
char * strpbrk(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Finds the first character in s1 that occurs in s2
char * strrchr(const char *s,
int c)
Finds the last character in s that matches c
size_t strspn(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Tests characters in s1 for an occurance in s2 until no match is found
char * strstr(const char *s1,
const char *s2)
Finds the first occurance of s1 in s2
char * strtok(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2)
Split s1 on each and any character in s2 Supply NULL to continue searching the previous string.
long int strtol(const char *s,
char **endptr,
int base)
Converts a string in s to an long.
long long int strtoll(const char *s,
char **endptr,
int base)
Converts a string in s to an long long.
unsigned long int strtoul(const char *s,
char **endptr,
int base)
Converts a string in s to an unsigned long.
unsigned long long int strtoull(const char *s,
char **endptr,
int base)
Converts a string in s to an unsigned long long.
size_t strxfrm(char * _PDCLIB_restrict s1,
const char * _PDCLIB_restrict s2,
size_t n)
Copies the null terminated string s2 to s1, if s2 is not more than n bytes long
Switches to the 32 bit GDT
Switches to the 32 bit IDT
lookup table for required privileges
Jump table for the kernel functions
jump table for kernel calls
The message identifier for getting a link’s supported interfaces
These functions form the interface to all userspace applications
szaHostName: TIMES 8 * 16 DB 0
contains the name of the host (processor or vm) for each processor