$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 last, mos_buf_t
 len_lo, udi_fs_blockread_map_cb_t
 LGPL Special
 libc support
 License Contents
 Licensing Morale
 limit, mos_pio_impl_t
 localtime()can return NULL due to weird value from time
 localtime()may return NULL,as documented on MSDN and Linux man pages,
 lock_op, mos_buf_impl_t
 Lots of reboots/ lockups on Pentium 1 boxes
long int labs(long int j)
Returns the absolute value of a given long int
mos_buf_part_t * last
Contains a pointer to the last buffer part in the list, which is a mos_buf_part_t.
Dim Shared lastkeycounter As Long
Stores the keypress counter
Dim Shared LastRead As Unsigned Byte
Stores the last byte read from the keyboard controller
ldiv_t ldiv(long int numer,
long int denom)
Performs a division on long ints both the quotient and remainder are stored in a ldiv_t (_PDCLIB_ldiv_t) struct
udi_ubit32_t len_lo
length of the data to map
setlocale( LC_CTYPE, “” );
int LibGFX_ConstAttrFold (AST_Node *root,
int *const_val,
int *attr_val)
walks the tree and retrieves the currently applicable value/attribute to a simple extent
static int LibGFX_recursetree(int node,
AST_Node **tempmap,
AST_RawOpcodeMap *rawmap,
int maxnode)
recursive helper function for building a tree from an opcode map
int LibGFX_UnfoldMad(AST_Node *root)
substitutes the MAD opcode with an ADD and a MUL, replacing the original node
This document summarizes the licenses, and your rights with regard to this project.
Since the licenses allows you to DO a lot, it doesnt mean you SHOULD.
udi_size_t limit
The size of this array (for safety checking)
long long int llabs(long long int j)
Returns the absolute value of a given long long
lldiv_t lldiv(long long int numer,
long long int denom)
Performs a division on long longs both the quotient and remainder are stored in a lldiv_t (_PDCLIB_lldiv_t) struct
Loads a FAT cluster to RAM
Sub LoadDefaultDisplayValues(ByRef vdp As VESA_display_properties)
Gets a standard value for the monitor settings
Loads a sector (linear) from floppy to RAM
performs an ipc call to a handler in the local address space
and it has been observed to do that on at least one FB user’s Windows system, because of a negative time_t value from time().
const void * (
)(struct mos_buf_impl * buf, udi_size_t off, udi_size_t len)
a function pointer that gives direct read-only access to the data, allowing to defer or avoid a copy operation This function may be NULL when direct exposure is not available
double log(double x)
computes and returns the natural logarithm of x (using a taylor expansion)
float logf(float x)
computes and returns the natural logarithm of x (using a taylor expansion)
long double logl(long double x)
computes and returns the natural logarithm of x (using a taylor expansion)
lp32BitGDT: DD 0
the location of the 32 bit gdt
lp32BitIDT: DD 0
the location of the 32 bit IDT
lp64BitIDT: DD 0
the location of the 64 bit IDT
lpaCurrentAddressSpace: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the currently active address space for each processor
lpaCurrentProcess: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the current task’s descriptor
lpaCurrentScheduleProc: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the location of the schedule_out function for the current thread
lpAddressSpaceMirror: DD 0
contains a pointer to the location where the current address space information structure is mapped
lpaIoBitmap: DQ 0
contains the location of the I/O permission bitmap
lpaLastFPUState: TIMES 8 DQ 0
Contains the location of the FPU state to store.
lpaSchedulerBase: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the base of the scheduling table
lpaSchedulerOffset: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the offset into the scheduler table of the currently executing task
lpaTSS: TIMES 8 DQ 0
contains the location of the TSSs for each processor.
lpBootloaderData: DD 0
holds the address of the structure passed by the bootloader
lpDirectoryTableMirror: DD 0
contains a pointer to the location where the current page directory is mapped (if appropriate)
lpFPUHole: DQ 0
points to a series of pages that can be mapped for lazily storing FPU state
lpFreePagingOffset: DQ 0
the first address where allocations can be done
lpgBootstrapApic: DB 0
the APIC ID of the bootstrap processor
lpgGdtLimit: DW 0xffff
Global Descriptor Table limit
lpgGdtOffset: DD 0
Global Descriptor Table offset
lpgIdtAllocators: DD 0
Location of interrupt owners
lpgIdtLimit: DW 0x7ff
Interrupt Descriptor Table limit
lpgIdtOffset: DD 0
Interrupt Descriptor Table offset
lpgIOMapOffset: DD 0
Location of port allocation tables
lpgKernelEndPage: DD 0
First page after the kernel section
lpgKernelHole: DD 0
location of free paging space after kernel stuff
Location of kernel page table
lpgKernelTDT: DD 0
location of kernel TDT
lpgLAPICBase: DD 0
Base address for the onboard local APIC
Page Directory Mirror address
Physical to linear map of the page directory
Location of memory allocation table in memory
lpgPageResolver: DD 0
Temporary location for unpositioned page directories
lpgProcessorCaps: DD 0
the installed processor’s capabilities
lpgProcessorcount: DB 1
amount of Processors in the system
lpgProcessorName: DB "UndefinedCPU"
processor type
lpgProcessorType: DB 0
the installed processor type
lpgProcessorVersion:DW 0
the packed version word, 4 bits a number (x.x.x.x)
lpgRamdisk: DD 0
Ramdisk address
lpgSchedulerIndex: DD 0
Scheduler index page
lpgTaskHandlers: DD 0
pointer to a task-lookup table
lpgTaskRoutes: DD 0
pointer to an name-to-port table
lpgTaskState: DD 0
TSS Address
lpgTextPtr: DD 0
Text video memory address
lpgTickCount: DD 0, 0
Amount of milliseconds since kernel initialisation
lpgTSSaddress: DD 0
Kernel thread TSS address
lpgTSSDescriptor: DW 0
Kernel thread TSS descriptor
lpHeapTop: DD 0
the current top of the heap
lpKernelBasePAETable: DD 0
contains a pointer to the base kernel page table (PAE/LM paging)
lpKernelBasePageTable: DD 0
contains a pointer to the base kernel page table (386 paging)
lpL1MemoryTable: DD 0
the 1st level memory reference structure.
lpL2MemoryTable: DD 0
the 2nd level memory reference structure.
lpL3MemoryTable: DD 0
the 3rd level memory reference structure.
lpL4MemoryTable: DD 0
the 4th level memory reference structure.
lpMMTableHoles: DQ 0
points to four consecutive pages where parts of the paging structures can be mapped into
lpMPTablePointer: DD 0
the location of the MP pointer
lpPageTableSource: DD 0
the sample table that contains all the pages required by the kernel
lpPagingHoles: DQ 0
points to four consecutive pages where parts of the paging structures can be mapped into
lpPagingKernelTables: DQ 0
points to four consecutive pages where the paging structures for the kernel are offset + 0k - page table offset + 4k - page directory offset + 8k - 3rd level offset + 12k - top level
lpPagingLocks: DD 0
holds the lock bits for the paging hole
lpRamdisk: DD 0
holds the base address of the ramdisk.
lpRSDPBase: DD 0
the location of the RSDP structure
lpZeroHole: DQ 0
points to a page that can be mapped for clearing pages.